Hijab is an Arabic word which means a barrier of partition. In Islam, however, it has a broader meaning. It is the principle of modesty and includes behavior as well as a dress for both males and females.
The most visible form of hijab is the head covering that many Muslim women wear. Hijab, however, goes beyond the headscarf. The hijab is the mark of piety, is an act of faith, a symbol, for all the world to see. The purpose of the article is to help females understand, especially those who are new to hijab, what an under scarf is, various types of underscarf and how to wear it. Some hijabis get by wearing under scarves, while for some but it’s crucial! For some, the benefit of an underscarf is keeping your hair from constantly coming out of your hijab and keeping the hijab secure. Depending on the kind of hijab you’re wearing, an underscarf is important to keep your hijab in place. They also come in handy when pinning your hijab down.
The culture of Hijab and its religious importance:
- Stay modest and confident at the same time
- These last two things might seem paradoxical, but in truth, they’re not. Both of them are equally important. Whatever you wear, however, you choose to wear your hijab, whatever pins you use to keep it all in place, be modest.
- Don’t use the hijab as an excuse and think that your work is a Muslim is done; be the best person you can be.
- The whole point of hijab is to be modest, and there is no point of covering up your hair and neck if your actions aren’t humble. So Be modest, but at the same time, be confident. And by confidence, I don’t mean ‘strut-your-stuff-down-the-runway- confidence, but courage and fearlessness.
- The transition to becoming a hijabi isn’t an easy one. The people around you may or may not be supportive. Sometimes the ones you think will be supportive will be aghast at your decision and try to convince you otherwise. Sometimes the ones you think will mock you will cheer you on and tell you how happy they are.
- People may change how they interact with you; it might be the people closest to you or the people you see randomly. But don’t let all that bog you down. Stand by your decision to be modest. Explain it to people. Be proud of yourself. When people ask you about your hijab, answer gracefully and humbly. Keep your chin up and keep smiling.
- More important than the clothes, the scarves, the pins, the accessories, etc. is your desire to be the best you can be for Allah. Be true to your intentions to please Allah and may He reward you. Here are Simple Makeup with Hijab Tutorial and Hijab Makeup Tips.
Everything You Need to Know About Hijab Under Scarf
↓ 14 – The Turban
The “Turban Underscarf” is a bonnet typed scarf with pre-arranged layers and textures to create a look of a turban wrap and it is very popular this year, even among the non-Muslims. You can wear it under a transparent scarf hijab, or you can simply wear it on its own. Either way, it’s is great for special occasion or elegant meetings. You can find it in many different styles, so go ahead and start looking gorgeous!

↓ 13 – The Everyday Wrap
The most iconic of all Classic styles, the Everyday Wrap is one of the most recognizable and widely-known hijab styles all around the world. It’s very simple to tie up and it looks great with all fabrics, face shapes and looks perfect with glasses.
- Frame the hijab around your face as you like, making sure to keep one side longer than the other.
- Cross the longer end over the shorter end and wrap it over your head very loosely, being sure to keep some volume all around. (Note: if you’re not a volume person, simply wrap it around your head a little tighter.)
- Secure at the top and side of your head with a pin.

↓ 12 -The Side Knot
One of the most versatile turbans, the side knot changes drastically depending on the fabric you choose. Select a light-weight fabric for a simple, serene effect and a bulkier fabric for more drama. The long tails of the fabric give you plenty of room for creativity so have fun with it!
- Fold your hijab in half lengthwise, and put it over your head (covering your ears), then bring both strands to the nape of your neck and tie them together.
- Bring one side back to the front, over your shoulder.
- Grab both ‘tails’ on the side of your head and tie a knot.

↓ 11 – The Loose Drape
A great option for women looking for extra coverage, the Loose Drape is versatile and works with most fabrics. This style is well suited to pair with a necklace or brooch.
- Frame the hijab around your face, keeping one side significantly longer than the other.
- Wrap the longer side around and over your head, fluffing it up on top to create some volume, and back to the front over your shoulder.
- Take that same strand and bring it around your head once more, pinning it to the top of your head. Fix the fabric in front for the desired loose drape.
- Tuck the untouched shorter side underneath the front drape.

↓ 10 -The Pleated Design
This classic style is a great way to incorporate volume into your look with no bulk in the chest area. Due to the many pleats, it works great with glasses! Perfect for a day when you want a relaxed style but are looking for that extra twist of personality. Here is a video tutorial because visual aid makes it better. Also, have a look at these 20 Ideas How to Wear a Silk Hijab in Style.
- Frame the hijab around your face as you like, making sure to keep one side shorter than the other. Pin under your chin to secure.
- Take the shorter side and wrap it backward over your head.
- Bring the longer side around your head over the shorter side. The two pieces should now be layered atop your head. Secure the top of your hijab with a pin.
- Style the “tail” end of your hijab by twisting it back a few times, then secure with a small safety pin to the fabric at your neck, hidden underneath the folds.

You can also buy the recently launched and limited edition pleated underscarves by Innersejuk.

↓ 9 – Bonnet Hat
The bonnet hat is a relatively new addition to the underscarf range. It is made of a stretch lycra/spandex type of fabric, normally polyester. It is designed in a pull-on style, much like a hat, hence the name. The bonnet hat is elasticated at the back to accommodate any hair or hairstyles but it is usually more comfortable to let the hair out rather than tuck it in. The bonnet-hat is very easy to wear, it really is as simple as slipping it on over the head and tucking in any stray wisps that escape.

↓ 8 – The Lace Bonnet
This is a tube-like bonnet-type underscarf with a hard flap just above the forehead, it opens from both ends. This caplet ensures the scarf placed above it stays in place, creating a neatly framed look for your face. It is normally made from polyester lace and is stretchable to fit.
The main advantage of a lace bonnet is that it is very light and thin. Very useful for Hijab styles that are voluminous and bulky. To wear, it is usually easier to pull completely over the head so it falls around the neck, and then pull back over the front of the head where it will take all the hair with it, giving you a hair free fit.

↓ 7 – Tie-Back Bonnet Cap
The tie-back bonnet cap is one of the more common underscarves used. It is made of a jersey type cotton fabric and is also non slip. It is placed over the head and fastened at the back using the ties attached at the end. It has a small opening at the back once tied, so you can let the hair through. It is suitable for all head sizes as it can adjust to your fit.
The tie back bonnet cap is also good for layering with the lace underscarf. Slip on the lace underscarf first and then the bonnet cap, leaving a strip of lace underscarf to show through at the front. Mix and match the colors to make your whole Hijab look stylish and trendy.

↓ 6 – The Tube
This is a basic necessity for most hijabis and especially for beginners. It is made from stretchable cotton or jersey, which ensures that slippery hijabs made of chiffon or polyester, will stay in place. As like the lace bonnet, it comes with one size only due to its elasticity. It is completely easy to wear, as you just need to slip it on over the head. It is usually easier to pull completely over the head.
The tube underscarf is also good for layering with the lace underscarf. Simply slip on the tube underscarf first and then the lace underscarf leaving a strip of tube underscarf to show through at the front. Depending on preference, you can also layer the other way round. Choose colors which will complement the whole outfit rather than just a hijab for a more coordinated look.

↓ 5 – Ninja Underscarf
The ninja inner underscarf is a relatively new design and is one of the most popular and comfortable of underscarves where full head, neck and upper chest coverage is required. It has all the benefits of the full underscarf with the difference being that it is fitted around the neck. You should also have a look at these 30 Stylish Ways to Wear Hijab with Jeans for Chic look.
It is available in many different designs and colors, as ninja inner underscarves with a plain peak, with a lace peak, with crisscross peak, and with crisscross contrast colored peaks.
To answer the most common question with the ninja inner underscarf is yes, it will fit and yes, it is comfortable around the neck. All ninja inner underscarves are made from super soft viscose stretch fabric which is suitable to wear all year round. A complete tutorial is provided below:

↓ 4 – Headband Bonnet
The headband bonnet is an innovational way of wearing an underscarf and is another substitute to tie back bonnet caps. It is stretchy at the back with variable front width by folding as required. It is made of a variety of fabrics, including cotton and polyester including lovely designs in rigid prints and flimsy chiffons.
Here is a tutorial on how to tie a headband bonnet:

↓ 3 – Full Underscarf
The full underscarf gives the perfect idea for those who wish to wear see-through hijabs while maintaining full coverage of the head as well as the neck area, so you can now wear any hijab you wish without the worry any part of the neck being seen. Gives wearer more flexibility in wearing their Hijab.

↓ 2 – The Awning
The Awning is a bonnet-type underscarf with a hard flap just above the forehead. This caplet ensures the scarf placed above it stays in place in place, creating a neatly framed look for your face. The Awning is one of the easiest underscarves to wear. It also comes in a limitless range of colors and designs. A complete tutorial is provided below

↓ 1 – Mini Hijab
The mini hijab acts like an inner ninja, covering the neck and part of the chest. It is preferred by those who prefer a loose effect on the neck area, compared to the tight ninja which sometimes can cause discomfort after a long day. This particular style is also known as the cross front underscarf.

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