Days spent at college are unforgettable. It is the most exciting moment in a person’s life, and so was mine. Along with all the fun parts of college, one’s dress was a major issue.
If you are properly dressed up, it then contributes to your frame of world, and you will feel more confident. It is said that the right type of clothing helps give a young man the precious seconds to influence others. And yes, college is the best place to meet your woman catching an eye in the crowd ;-). For more inspiration, check out 20 funky jeans for teenage guy
One can simply get a collection of the following:
- Few basic t-shirts;
- collar shirts;
- blue jeans;
- versatile sneakers;
- leather jacket;
- Sweatshirts
- hoodies
Outfit Ideas for College Guys
#20. Chic Look and All-Set
Full-sleeved t-shirt with beige colored pants along with laced boots and all set.

#19. Business Student Look
Collar shirt with navy blue blazer and chocolate brown pants accessorized with a leather bag. You’re done with a business student look.

#1Cardigansgan and Ties are always a win
MIsn’t isn’t it? A plain white collar shirt with a cardigan and a tie is always a win.

#17. Rolled up Sleeves
That’s a studded look. Roll up your collar shirt sleeves, and wear a tie. But remember, please do not go after completely unmatched ties with shirts.

#16. Style done RWear!
wear a hoodie underneath a fitted jacket paired with jeans.

#15. Back to College Look
Coming back to college look. Go for a messy hairstyle, a shirt pulled out, and a blazer.

#14. Football weather
Show your love for sports.

#13. Who says Boys can’t wear PINK- Boys, no doubt, can carry Pink!
Style up a t-shirt with cardigans and hair gelled back—the perfect combo of winters.

#11. Classy Enough
A checkered shirt and jeans are the perfect classic look for the day.

#10. Casual Look
Get a chic look with a striped sweater over a shirt and jeans with cuffs and shoes to give you a casually polished look.

#9. The Basics
The basic stuff to be kept in your wardrobe.

#8. Style up with a Muffler

#7. Select any T-shirt

#6. Cuteness Overloaded

#5. At Ease

#4. Be Yourself

#3. Backpacks add Style to your Look
The backpack surely looks amazing, but so does this hairstyle; for more ideas, check out Preppy hairstyles for Men

#2. Handsome Hunk Summer Look

#1. Trendy Enough

i guess all college boys are white
Get a life
lol same thought i had
Imagine being incapable of seeing another ethnicity wearing these same outfits. Do you cry about mannequins, too? You either like the clothes or you don’t, moron.
Imagine being so racist you can’t see past color. Find a different webpage vs voicing your inability to picture another race wearing these same outfits. (Think: mannequins)
Funny assholes
Everyone has their own likes, dislikes and taste – we’re sorry we couldn’t cater to yours.
Best regards,
Team Outfit Trends
i will defenetly follow these outfits. thanlks to share such a gr8 post
Thank you for your feedback, keep visiting 🙂
Best regards,
Team Outfit Trends
Thank you for your feedback, keep visiting.
Best regards,
Team Outfit Trends.
kk cool
Thank you for your feedback, keep visiting.
Best regards,
Team Outfit Trends.
Yeah, this post was clearly written by a woman who has no idea of what guys wear.
Sorry to disappoint you Jermerrio.
Best regards,
Team Outfit Trends.
they were this is pk
they wear this in pk
hai i like trains guys
From where I can buy that 6th clothes ?? ( cuteness overloaded )
Hi there,
I found some similar items for you, hope this helps:
Slim-fit chinos
Cotton cardigan
V neck buttoned cardigan
Plaid shirt
This is very helpful. Thank you
You’re most welcome.
Best regards,
Team Outfit Trends