Islam is a religion of peace and it always prefers pacifism over anger, antagonism and revenge. So the path of pacifism requires a lot of patience and endurance. That is why there is so much focus on patience and forbearance in Islam.
God has filled the path of the patient with a lot of rewards and fruits. Even if in this world the person who is being patient faces difficulties in the life hereafter he will surely get the eternal joys and happiness.
What Does Islam Say About Patience
We see the life of our Prophet as a long labor of hardships and sorrows which he endured and embraced with patience and kindness. The patience shown by our Prophet and his Sahaba (RA) has no equal parable in the entire history of the world. That is why the virtues of patience are so much glorified in Islam.
↓ 20 – Balance In Patience And Attitude
When you have nothing, have patience and say to Allah that in this hardship I will not complain because I know it is temporary and soon you will change it into joy and amusement. However, it is equally important to show patience when you have everything and be kind and gentle in your attitude towards everyone around you be it people equal to your stature or below your level of wealth and status. Also, have a look at these 50 Best Islamic Cover Photos for Muslims on Facebook

↓ 19 – Patience And Seeking Forgiveness

↓ 18 – Patience Till All Your Troubles Are Over
One sometimes asks that to what extent patience must be shown. Here is the clear answer. Until you are facing hardships it means that you are still being tested so face the test with patience until all your troubles are gone and you are to reap the reward of your labor.

↓ 17 – Islamic Quotes About Patience And Prayer

↓ 16 – Patience Gives Hope And Takes Away Sadness
Here are 50 Islamic Birthday and Newborn Baby Wishes Messages & Quotes that you’ll find to be of great use.

↓ 15 – Patience To Conquer All Your Troubles
Imam Ghazali was a great scholar of Islam and his beautiful sayings are insightful and full of profound guidance about leading a good life. Here this beautiful quote of his, glorifies the virtues of patience. It is true that if we are not patient, we will become the slave of our desires and wishes and be blinded by the worldly attractions but patience saves us from the vices like greed and frugality.

↓ 14 – Patience To The Last Extend

↓ 13 – Showing Patience In The Face Of Anger

↓12 – Patience According to the First Caliph Of Islam Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
Our first caliph of Islam had a calm and patient disposition. People will rebuke his methods of rule but he would bear all the censure with patience and give replies to them in his gentle and kind tone. Once in the hour of need he donated everything he owned in the name of Islam. All the riches and his household were given in the name of charity and when asked what he will do now and how he would sustain he calmly replied: “Allah and his Prophet are enough for me.” This shows how much patience and courage to endure hardships did he possess. Do have a look at These 50 Islamic Quotes on Mother Shows Status of Women in Islam.

↓11 – The Reward Of Patience

↓10 – Patience In Face Of All The Difficulties

↓ 9 – Islamic Quotes About Patience Giving Victory And Success

↓ 8 – Patience According To Second Caliph Hazrat Umar RA
RECOMMENDED: Islamic Quotes About Life-50 Best Quotes which describes life in Islam

↓ 7 – Showing Patience And Love With Your Wives

↓ 6 – The True Essence Of Patience
This is the quote that truly captures the essence of patience because it clears away the misconception that patience is not being lazy. You should not just leave everything in the name of patience. In fact, the true essence of patience is striving and working to the maximum and if even still you are unable to accomplish your goals then instead of despairing and being sad, saying that it is the will of Allah and being contented. That is what truly patience is all about. Here are some of the best Islamic Quotes About Love.

↓ 5 – Allah Is With The Patient
This is the very famous verse of our Holy book and it teaches us that if we are patient then the help and blessing of Allah are with us. The reward and help of Allah is on the path of the patient and righteous so this ayah of the Holy Book is a great motivating force for everyone to observe patience.

↓ 4 – One Of The Names Of Allah
You can understand the true importance and essence of patience in Islam by the fact the As Sabur meaning the patient one is one of the 99 names of Allah. Every name of Allah is a quality that is found in complete perfection and profoundness in Allah. So as The Patient One is one of the names of Allah it means that Allah is the most patient of all and in order to win his approval and happiness, we must all also strive to understand the true meaning and essence of this quality and be patient and humble in face of all adversities.

↓ 3 – Patience According To Hadees-e-Nabvi
The life of our Holy Prophet is replete with examples of occasions where he showed extreme patience and endurance and faced hardships like no one else ever could. When the people of Taif stoned him badly so much so that his shoes were full of his blood he just bared the hardship with patience and prayed for them instead of cursing them.

↓ 2 – Seek Help Through Patience And Prayers

↓ 1 – Islamic Quote About The Virtue Of Patience
This beautiful quote captures the true essence of patience. In life no matter what type of circumstances you would face, face them with happiness and a smile on your face because these are written by God. So every hardship and trial is a gift from God and should be cherished with patience because you do not know what reward is in store for you in return for it. Allah knows best so if he has written something for you, it must be for the very best although you might not know it yet. So there is no need to grumble and moan instead be happy because it is great that time changes and hardships turn into tranquility before you know it.

Very good quotes, godbless for all
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